Michelman's waterborne polymers and additives - including acrylic polymers and copolymers, polyurethane dispersions and surface modifiers - build specialty performance into fomulated coatings.
ProHere®, and other specialty brand solutions for factory applied and field-applied protective coatings on metal, concrete or plastic.
NurtureYield™ waterborne formulation additives improve flow and planting behavior of seeds; processing and controlled release in fertilizers; and shelf life of harvested produce.
Michelman technologies that offer optimum protection, durability, and surface qualities in a wide array of architectural and special purpose coatings.
Michem® additives that add critical qualities in graphic arts applications – block, rub, and water resistance, with gloss control.
Licomer™ system of polymer dispersions and wax emulsions for the care and maintenance of high traffic surfaces in flooring, automotive, furniture, and soft goods applications.